Sometimes, our brave fighting men and women have to look for a capable individual to look out after them. Sometimes, America needs a hero.
Instead, you get this guy....

But seriously, don't let this man's charming demeanor fool you; Chuck Farrell fights for America and let's just say you're lucky he's on your side. In this installment, James and myself it captivated by Chuck's return and his tales of Naval adventure in the Caribbean. We learn such important skills as: which whorehouse is most classy in Columbia, how to subdue a drunk marine using playground tactics, and how to effectively wreck expensive military equipment. Hell, we're thinking of enlisting right now if we didn't have all those pesky warrants out for us.
In case you haven't heard the previous Freedomcast, Chuck is our good buddy who happens to be a globetrotting, Army-reserve medic. He goes around the world patching up all sorts of exotic people.
In this episode as well, James and I discuss with Chuck how we felt the Improv Cup wrapped up.
C'mon, soldier! Do your duty for your country and listen to this shit!
Ep. 3.07- D-House- FreedomCast Part 2
And stay tuned for the holiday season with your favorite Spitzers! Stay cozy out there kittens.
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