Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ep. 4.02- Ford Taurus of Solitude

In our ever-vigilant endeavors to present to you, Dear Listener, the finest in comedic podcastery and robust jackassery, Lars upgrades Catbus Headquarters for another exciting episode. And you'll be so deeply relieved, Dear Loyal Listener, that we FINALLY address the second half of Cyndi Lauper's mega-opus musical video, "The Goonies R All Right". Come on off that ledge, friend, the Spitz are gonna make it all better. Also in this episode, Lars shares what he knows about super heroes emerging in Seattle (which immediately prompts James into planning for a career in super-villainy), Erik and James throw metaphorical wrenches at each others' points, and James takes us through another round of Star Wars Mad Libs. It's another exciting adventure and maybe we'll even find out where One Eyed Willie's gold really is.

Download-Ford Taurus of Solitude

Related content-

Phoenix Jones and the Rain City Superheroes

The legendary Cyndi Lauper "Goonies R Good Enough" video (The full version because we love you.)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ep. 4.01 - Downright Sicilian

We recorded some podcast material that was pure gold... and then we realized it wasn't recording...

And that's where our new episode begins! Hello, loyal fans, it's your handsome hero James here. Welcome to what we are evidently calling Season 4! Hooray!!! Our new podcast opens with Erik informing me that the awesome podcast we thought we had going had not recorded at all. Listen as I take that news poorly. That's right, it's an Erik and James episode!

But that's not all! On this week's show we also talk about other local podcasts we enjoy, the construction happening at Thundergoat Studios, giggling, and the true meaning of the words "CHERRY SPITZ" [Spoiler Alert: It's a lie]. Plus Black Rob shows up to pose another insightful question in a segment we're apparently calling "Rob & a Hard Place."

Download the new episode right over here: Downright Sicilian

Music breaks provided by HORSE the Band, Primus, Oingo Boingo and The Dead Kenny Gs. Plus we have a BRAND NEW THEME SONG by hip hop superstar and friend of the group Rocom.

Here are some of the podcasts we talked about in the new episodes. Go check em out, but be sure to come back here to us. We get so lonely without you. You know what we like... What were we talking about? Oh yeah, other podcasts. Here are our recommendations:

The Harbinger

The Carl and Josh Show


(One time I hit Erik with my invisible car) >>>>>

We have some live shows coming up! Come see us this Sunday January 30th at the Long Beach Play House as part of their Studio Nights. Show starts at 6pm. Also you can see us performing a brand new show at STAGES Theater on February 12th @ midnight. More details on that show coming soon.

Stay tuned, amigos. The Spitz have some rad stuff coming for you real soon. Until then, y'all stay classy.


[Embrace the pods.]

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ep. 3.12 - 2010 Holiday Leftovers: Part 2

So what did YOU have for Portuguese breakfast?

Ahoy hoy, loyal Spitz fans! Today we clean out our last bit of Holiday Leftovers in a podcast that's way more than just refried bits from other episodes. Join your buddies James, Kat, Erik, Black Rob, and The Dude Von Dude from the Harbinger podcast as they discuss the hard-hitting issues. This episode's topics include the beautiful and endangered pinball machine, the Street Fighter versus Mortal Kombat argument, the top movies of 2010, Steinbeck breastfeeding scenes, and names that sound like genitals. Plus regional sex acts and we all sing Journey's "Seperate Ways" off tempo.

Download: 2010 Holiday Leftovers Part 2

Audio goodness provided by various old videogames, Lovage, the cast of the Venture Bros, Portugal the Man, the Ramones (live), Beck, Black Flag, Journey, Daft Punk, and Kelly D.

"Nobody has a steamer like Cleveland." - Black Rob

Thanks again to all of you for supporting our weird little Ha-Ha show here. We hope you enjoy all of our podcasts. And stay tuned, amigos. We've got some awesome news coming real soon for all of you wonderful Spitz fans. Until then, y'all stay classy.


[Jeff Hardy's title belt IS gay.]

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ep. 3.11 - 2010 Holiday Leftovers: Part 1

2010 is over and we need to clear out our inventory, so we're bringing back the Holiday Leftover series with chunks of audio from the previous year that didn't make it into a full episode. It's primarily Spitz members James, Erik and Kat with regular guests Black Rob and The Dude Von Doom. We talk MC Chris, Compton, Predator, Black Dynamite, Bubba The Love Sponge, Jurassic Park, 90s Warner Brothers Cartoons and argue over which 16-bit system didn't show blood on their copy of Mortal Kombat.

Lots of music and audio drops!

See you soon with part 2 and some announcements regarding actual live shows!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ep. 3.10 - Aquachicken

Cherry Spitz wishes you a Happy Hangover Day on this joyous 1-1-11! And to nurse those dogs barking in your head, how about listening to us yapping and howling about all the nonsense 2010 brought us.

In the aftermath of Christmas carnage, the gang gets together to lick their egg-nog induced wounds. In this installment we hear from Kat, Matt, James, myself, and special guest brother Kjel from some damn bay area hippy town up north.

Here's a picture of him in his Sunday best.

Kjel recounts exciting stories from up north featuring his work in semi-urban amateur taxidermy and trap setting. Yes, folks, we're going deep into the psyche of a dangerously unstable individual. Also, James introduces a new bit based on everyone's favorite Star Wars about libs what are mad. Sorry, it hard to type- there's an owl in my brain and it won't stop hooting.

Get your sobering sound experience right here- Ep. 3.09- Aquachicken

Related links- Here are the links to some of the websites we cover in this installment

Hipster Hitler

Wunnaweeks- featuring work from Adam Fischer and Danny Ricker of Comedysportz Los Angeles.

Red Letter Media-

Have a prosperous New Year, dear listener. We look forward to entertaining the hell out of you in 2011.
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