Whew! We're in the dog days of summer now, so time to turn the Cherry Spitz all up in this bitch!
Hear what the gang has been buzzing about since last week. Topics include- people not being able to stop dancing, cool people running everything, and GI Joe.
Get your latest installment of sweet Cherry extract right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 8/12/09
Remember to check back here soon for some new sketches and other announcements about the Spitz's Fall season.
Missed an episode? You can click on "index" on the main page on the left and find all of our casts or go on iTunes and type "Cherry Spitz Podcast" in the search field. Leave us a comment while you're there. It's like my grandfather always told me, "Every time you leave a comment on the Cherry Spitz iTunes, an angel gets laid."
[please think of the angels]
We all need to sing more.