I am happy to announce the best news ever: Cherry Spitz is doing live shows again. At long last. Cherry Spitz is back.
We've got two shows lined up at the moment. That's right. We're not just back, we're coming back guns a'blazing.
Thursday Night Feb. 18th @ The IO West in Hollywood: IO West Cage Match
Every week the world famous Improv Olympic hosts a weekly improv cage match where two teams enter and only one leaves... victorious. The other team is obviously then killed. The winning team will then go on to challenge a new team the next week, and so on. Cherry Spitz enters rotation on Thursday Feb 18th when we get our first shot at whatever team has survived the previous week. The show starts at 11:30pm and is a 21-and-over event because of the bar in the theater lobby. I know, and I'm sorry to all of our drunk children fans. The show is FREE. As in no money to get in. All you gotta do is get there and you can see Cherry Spitz perform in one of Hollywood's best improv theaters.
We honestly don't know how long this show will last. We have been training a lot lately because we want to both kick ass AND take names in the IO Cage Match. WE WILL BE PERFORMING EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT IN HOLLYWOOD IF WE KEEP WINNING. We need our fans to come out and support us. We know we can beat whatever Hollywood can put in front of us, and we want you beautiful people to be there and see us do it. Thursday February 18th @ 11:30pm at the IO West in Hollywood.
iO West
6366 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Cage Match Info here

[NOTE: We've been scouting the teams competing in the Cage Match for the past few weeks, and the team of "Orpheus Roy" has won the past seven weeks in the cage. Not only that but last week they defeated the theater's Omega Champ team to become the new IO West Omega Champions. Tonight they go for 8 consecutive victories and possibly their first title defense. If they remain on their hot streak we may indeed be facing them when we go up. Could Cherry Spitz be getting a title shot straight out the gate? We will stay on top of this situation as it continues to develop. Also, Ify is now deeply entrenched in an imaginary bloodfeud with the black guy on Orpheus Roy (who I believe is actually this guy.)]
Pretty awesome stuff, I know. And that's only the first announcement!
Saturday Night Feb. 27th @ The Found Theater in Long Beach
We're back. Cherry Spitz returns to the stage in what will hopefully be our new home, The Found. We want to try and get as many people as we can at this show. If we make a good impression on the people at Found and the whole Long Beach community we will continue performing there. If we're not doing comedy we don't eat. And you don't want us to starve, do you? Of course you don't. That would make you a monster.
Tickets are only 5 BUCKS since this is our first show. It all goes down on Saturday February 27th at 8pm. We are in the process of putting the show together right now, and we will post more information as soon as we can. You can be sure we'll be performing some of the best comedy you'll ever see. Improv? Count on it. Sketch comedy? It's possible. Magic? I doubt it but we'll see. Ultimate fighting? That seems more likely. Erotic puppetry? Sure, why not.

We do know that DJ Poptart will be spinning at our show! That's right, friend of the Spitz and house music sorceress DJ Poptart will be running music for us and Djing the evening. One of California's best DJs performing with California's best comedy group, this show is going to kick ass! Lucky you.
599 Long Beach Blvd. at 6th St.
Long Beach, CA 90802
Saturday February 27th at 8 o'clock. Tickets are only $5. Come get some.
See y'all there,
[I want that title belt.]
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