In our ever-vigilant endeavors to present to you, Dear Listener, the finest in comedic podcastery and robust jackassery, Lars upgrades Catbus Headquarters for another exciting episode. And you'll be so deeply relieved, Dear Loyal Listener, that we FINALLY address the second half of Cyndi Lauper's mega-opus musical video, "The Goonies R All Right". Come on off that ledge, friend, the Spitz are gonna make it all better. Also in this episode, Lars shares what he knows about super heroes emerging in Seattle (which immediately prompts James into planning for a career in super-villainy), Erik and James throw metaphorical wrenches at each others' points, and James takes us through another round of Star Wars Mad Libs. It's another exciting adventure and maybe we'll even find out where One Eyed Willie's gold really is.
The home of LA and OC's off-beat improv/sketch troupe. We've been kicking around Southern California delighting and/or disturbing audiences for a while and now we're taking our humor to the electronets. Read, listen, watch, comment and discuss. Get in on all the Spitzy goodness!
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